Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 2 five

This is probably my only pink shirt but it was free and I wear it when I wanna look dumb. For those dumb people out there, dumb means that your not not dumb. Questions?

2 hundread and 20 four

Too be honest with you, if you gave me a map of the entire European continent, I couldn't pick out exactly where Lindon is. I couldn't do it with a map of Utah either but oh well. If it was important to me I'd know it probably.

two 23

I feel like I'm on a child's cartoon show and the announcer is about to ask, "okay kids, can you guess where this shirt possibly came from? No? Well go die your hair black, wear nothing but black clothes, complain about every little thing that's wrong and blame your parents!"

2 twendy 1

Pull your fingers out of your ears, put down the dipping sauce covered with chicken and ask yourself how you were doing all of that with only two feet...


How many Superman shirts can one man like me own? Why are you so worried about limits and questions? Answer that!

Friday, November 26, 2010

too 1 nine

If this sweater isn't classified as awesome, amazing, or amazingly awesome then there's either something wrong with you or I probably am experiencing the effects of falling down the stairs as a child still...

two hundred and 8 teen

If you don't know who Underdog is please do me a favor and reach around to your back, grasp tightly onto your underpants and pull up as fast and hard as you can. After your done with that google the great American hero named "Underdog." Not that new lame movie though, the old cartoon is better.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

two seventeen

Behold all ye unbelievers and all ye... people with hair on your bodies!... I have made a shirt that is a shirt and has writing on it! Now who's stupid invisible elf? And you told me it wouldn't work out! You're wrong and short!

2 one 6

I wish you fans of my years on the USA team would stop sending me so many gift baskets. I started using all the left over muffins as rocks to throw at the neighbor kids. I know that you think that's not right and you're correct. No one should have that many old muffins in one house...

2 fif TeAn

Ooo now there's a handsome back. Some might say "Umbrellas don't make sense," but given this great looking back, umbrellas do make sense!

2 for a teen

The coolest and most opposite of lame thing about this shirt and me owning it is that I've never been snowboarding. I ain't afraid to say it. I am afraid of trolls wearing puffy bunny slippers and matching headbands though...

2 1 three

The color of the purple elephant robbing the bank is actually light brown. Th shape of the square is round and the U on this shirt is above my belly button.

two twelf

How fast you goin? I'm goin fun fast! What time is it? It's fun time! What's the number painted on that cow? Fun speed!... I mean... 12

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 eleven

Imagine a large body of water that was in the shape of a dog from an aerial view. Now imagine a tree that was growing right in the middle of where the dog's eye would be. Then imagine a nest in that tree where 5 eggs sat and one of the eggs was named Crony while the rest were named Useless. Imagine that Crony hatched, grew up into a big beautiful bird and was hit by a semi. Geeze. Do you always imagine depressing things like that?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

two and a 10

I don't like to think that the semi in this picture is relieving itself. I prefer the notion that it's picking up all the many colorful cassettes and putting it in it's invisible swirling container thing. Sorry if that description got a little technical for a second there. I love my jargon!

too hundo 9

This shirt is an offense to cream colored motorcycles with matching people everywhere! I only wore it because I like it when people put to "E's" together. It just makes everything better! Like a punch in the left shin or a free game of bingo where the prize is them keeping the violent monkeys in their cages.

2 hundred 8

Hmmm I wonder what of all the sports in the world this shirt could be referring to. This shirt is about as subtle as my great aunt Shafifa. She once walked into a family party, saw my cousin that had a zit on his face and Shafifa then shouted "look at the mountain on the kid's face. It's so big you can see the snow accumulation on top." One other thing you should know is that she wasn't at a family party when this happened and she didn't know who that person was she actually yelled at.

two hundread sevenn

Am I a big fan of Burger King? Do most dogs lift the lid before using the toilet? Nope. That probably might explain the arm pit holes I have in this shirt. You know, of all the kinds of pits out there, I would have to say that the arm pit has got to be the comedian out of them because it always makes me laugh.

Friday, November 12, 2010

wa na O. sick ssa

Unfortunately for the elf version of an elephant that lives in my aunt's stomach, I made this shirt as well. It was a lot more funny in my head when I woke up this morning. Maybe next time I'll not wake up to a dancing ostrich that's wearing a green top hat. Or did I fall asleep to that and woke up to my alarm.... Either way.

one 0 V

Yes. It is a big beak. Thank you for saying so. Don't look at me like you've never seen a guy wearing a shirt with an over-sized bird's head on it before! That would be like saying you don't eat cheese because you think it'll offend a kangaroo or saying you licked fresh tar once to bring your grandma good luck. It just doesn't make sense.... not to believe that way!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

two hundred 4

This shirt is my creation actually. The "BACK" is actually on the front and the "FRONT" is actually on the back. Clever? Heck yes it is! What else would you call it? Elegant? I got news for you elegantess people out there, this is not elegant, a pickle, a crowd of buffaloes dying tie died tee shirts, and/or elegant!

2 zero 3

Ain't you seen a red chested American before? I have! I see it more and more frequently when I get in a slapping fight... usually I have the slapping fight with myself though and the chest is the easiest place to slap...maybe I'll stop talking about that subject right now cuz I think you need to take a bathroom brake. Remember to flush.

Monday, November 8, 2010

too O two

I think my friends can vouch for this. The get all sorts of benefits like respect and laughter at their jokes! What benefits were you thinking?

2 oh 1

How many of you have been wondering what it would look like to flush three basketball players made out of paper down the nearest porcelain flush machine? Now you know.

2 hundred

This may or may not go along with the shirt from yesterday. I don't know though because my mom keeps telling me that I'll know when I'm older. I am assuming that means 45. That's the age my second cousin said he's going to get killed by killer pandas so I figure that's a good basic age goal...

one 99

Joke's on you salsa lickers of the mid-west! I don't have either girlfriend but the mere fact that I wear this shirt totally makes up for that fact. As I've been told many times in the past "spit before you wipe," referring to eye glasses, the norm is never how see it the first time you don't look at it.


Behold my left pectoral of awesomeness! I really don't know what this shirt is supposed to say but I can tell it's really important because I don't care about it. Maybe it's more of that rebelliousness inside of me that lives between my livers. It could also have something to do with a repressed memory I never forget to forget.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

one ninety (7)

Does anyone else find it a little bit racist that the only characters they thought were good enough for the locker room and basketball have brown fur? I'll have you know that means that even the famous bugs didn't make it cuz he has gray fur...

a 1 a 9 and a 6

Flags of the world unite!...on my back. It seems kinda crazy but they don't have the flag for the country I made up. I don't understand why. We have a huge population of one, and although some of the countrymen might have sent out threatening certain countries, that person's threats don't represent the entire country. What a world we live in with so little trust in said world...

Monday, November 1, 2010

1 9 fiv5

Truth be told this used to be my little brother's pajama shirt. Finders get to keep things until their hassled verbally or physically in a bad way. I think that's how the saying goes...

1 nine 4

I prefer the term 'chicken skin' over 'Goosebumps,' but the latter was a tv show. I really doubt that someone would make a show about chicken skin.... Well I know I could do it successfully but others couldn't. It's like how the person that holds the hot potato the longest wins.

one ninety capital 3

In the words of my well slapped uncle Herbert, "If you don't love them, who will?" He was referring to the sock that goes on the left foot but I think it applies here as well.

one hundred 90 two

Like the bald eagles that wonder why they're titled bald when they have plenty of feathers on their head, I think I prefer the term "Great White Head Birds." It's more catchy and bald people might feel better about themselves too. Why did I bring up the Great White Head Birds? Because they actually started the Hot Dog Party. Un-well-known fact states that they love mustard and what goes best on mustard? Hot dogs!