Thursday, September 30, 2010

(3-2) (2x3) ((20+5)/5)

Nothing makes anyone seem cooler than doing math while on someone else's blog. You and you are some pretty dandy cool cats! If you know me in person, you might have noticed that, like a dunked panther, I don't normally wear sports equipment company's shirts. Why is that? I just don't like it. I'm okay with the shoes and the pants or shorts but shirts should be more creative and serve a purpose... Like that time we found my step cousin upside-down in a chicken coop. Sure it was weird but there was a purpose. She wanted to see if chickens smelt the same upside-down duh!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

one 6 for

If you can't do math, the words on the shirt mean "Dressed 4 Success." I don't know why I need to spell things out like that so often. If you're old enough and cool enough and alive enough to read this then you should be able to know what's going on with the shirts I wear. And yes, the tie is a design on the shirt and I got the shirt from the little boys section in the store...

1 six T 3

And the winner of the best looking motorcycle on a chest for today is... Some person in California but I came in close 32nd. Since there were 33 entries I totally blew the 33rd place out of the water!

Monday, September 27, 2010

1 6 too

Just so's you know, I'm am pretty sure that I might have under fifty regular shirts left. Do you want me to continue after that with my button up shirts, knitted sweaters and hoodies or just be done? What say ye?

one sixty 1

There's a picture of a lemon on the front of the shirt but that's insignificant. I mean a picture of a real lemon and not my aunt Tarnisha. She's a crazy gal and frequently get's both of her ears plugged up with the same finger...

OnE sIxTy

You might be having thought bubbles in your head wondering why on earth I would wear a shirt that implies i'm not always truthful. Sometimes grown ups do things that children don't understand. That's why uncle Labrinta is trying to bring back bell bottoms at his local park. It just doesn't make sense really.

Friday, September 24, 2010

oner fiver niner

Yes, the Superman symbol glows in the dark! That's after it absorbs sunlight from out sun just like how Superman gets his energy! That tingly feeling in the bottom of your left knee's hair is to be expected when seeing something this amazing.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1 50 eight

I was just wearing the suspenders and so they're not a part of the shirt. I am in the most hopefulness that you would understand this shirt. If not, the hint is: Einstein + Kiss = This

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

1 five s7

I find this one funny cuz it has a picture of a cow and not a goat. Goat pictures wouldn't make sense!

1 fity six

I could open it you know... all it takes is a flick of the wrist and a lot of time on my Stair Master.

Monday, September 20, 2010

won fifty 5

It's not my family's tradition. Some families tip the cows and other have to be the ones to put them back upright. I'll let you sit and ponder as to which one my family does.... Guess it yet? You're right! We sit and watch!

1 and a 5 and a 4

Look how well you can see my shoulder blades in the second picture. The gals out there reading this probably already recognized that I'm guessing. That's right ladies, shoulder blades!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

one 53

If I were to be the last warrior in the country, my fighting name to strike terror into the hearts of others would be 'Fluffy Bunny With a Fist.' I'm surprised others haven't used it before. It says, I'm quick as a fluffy bunny and three times as deadly! Oh, and this is my shirt from today and I didn't even have class...

Friday, September 17, 2010

1 5 too

It's best not to try to find the other meaning to this shirt! It was a gift that's why. So both of you readers out there should just take it only for what it says!

1 fi D 1

Sooo it's pretty much getting to the point where I've done this blog thing for a long time and it's more tedious than dragging bruised ham through a puddle of honey.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

1 fifty

Like a fish and a little dish that're dating Tish.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

one 49er

Just so you know, this is a shirt that was given to me and it's supposedly saying "U DOWN" which is more like asking "Are you down?" It's a popular phrase in Hawaii or at least it was a couple years ago. People had signs everywhere saying that. It was more common than lice at school picture day when they use the same comb to comb everybody's hair...

one 4t eight

It's funny cuz the milk is saying 'NOOOOO!' and the cow isn't a boy cow... chuckles from clowns.

1 4 sewen

I'm covering my name so you stalkers can't find me.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

won flurty six

It's actually poison control's number supposedly. Did I know that when I got it? No. Did I know that sticking a finger in the toaster after I licked it was good? No. But now I know.

14 five

And candy is still dandy!

uno 44

'Chicks' meaning girls and not baby chickens.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

one 4 tree

Your under-worked gerbil knows this quote...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1 and a four followed by a 2

Did you girls, that I'm not directly related by blood to, blink?

Monday, September 6, 2010

one 40 1

Mystery solved. The shirt says 'INDIAN BURN VICTIM' and it tis another I made myself. Did you know that in Britain, they don't call them Indian Burns? Instead, they call them Chinese Burns. Google truly knows all and yet misses so much.

1 for D

I promise that this is the only shirt I have with a human's naked body on it but many people have seen this guy's body before. Children of all ages really.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

one twirty nine

You might be scratching your brain, or the brain of someone close to you trying to figure out what is meant by this shirt. Well, the words are all vertical and 'vertical' rhymes with 'fertical' so duh. Your friend with only half a toe might be wondering what a 'fertical' is exactly but, trust me, when it happens to you, you'll know!

1 30 ATe

Who dances the dead chicken anymore anyways?

Friday, September 3, 2010


Three words: I'm wearing a shirt. Feel free to leave out one of the words to make the total three words.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hun Dred firty six

Why not lay down on the grass while my picture is taken of my chest. It's not the first time people have ever done it. You know what I'm referring to... That's right, penguins playing golf while wearing shirts. If you were thinking of something else, I now think lower of you. Turkeys in uniforms have no place on any golf course so stop thinking about that disgrace to nature!