Sunday, July 18, 2010

ninety won

First off, I'm holding flag spinners cuz my shirt says liberty and what says liberty more than spinners? Second off, this used to be a plain old shirt that I spruced up with my own style. The bird is saying "not again" because it recently struggled with athletes talon and just realized it came back like a clogged toilet when you try to flush. It's also a shirt that can be warn on dressy occasions like a barn raising or to a brother's 8th wedding. Rumor has it 9 time's the charm but don't tell his wife that. I just thought the phrase on the back would be funny, like a lady with a blond mustache that has a hint of red in it. Seems to have worked out just like I thought. That, or the feeling I am feeling isn't laughter but something to do with my arm being stuck in the garbage disposal.

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