Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Oh Two

Well there's so much to say right when you have a carrot or a gorilla's fist in your mouth and since my words can't be spoken I'll write what I'd like to say. Who knew gorilla's would go for a carrot in a mouth? No I do. It could have been worse. I could have put super glue in my mouth cuz I forgot to bring peanut butter to attract flies like the poor schmuck beside me. You can't see it but he's agreeing with me right now... wait! Stupid bobble head! Make up your mind. Agree or don't! At least the electric stapler expresses itself clearly. For instance, I stick my hand by it's mouth and it doesn't like that cuz it'll staple me. Office supplies could learn a lesson or two from the wise electric stapler.

1 comment:

Sean and Melanie Pike said...

I want to get this shirt for Sean! But I couldn't ever find it online