Thursday, June 10, 2010

5 three

Some people fall out of planes. Some people fall out of moving cars when their aunt pushes them out (not that I hold any bitter feelings towards you about that one time on the freeway aunt Zinga). Others fall out of the third story window of an office building because they were trying to hang a picture on the window but the window was already open. Me, I fell out of my house. You try running backwards with turtles strapped to your feet! It ain't easy. I'm not saying that I had turtles strapped to my feet when this happened, I would just like to see someone try. I sincerely hope that you understand what all of this had to do with today's shirt. If you can't, please ask the next person you see for help because if you don't understand this, odds are, that any other person in the world is smarter than you. No offense. Hey mom! I just made fun of people and told them "no offense" so they wont get mad at me. I think they fell for it too! Oh dang it! I've been writing what I say again. Just ignore those last few sentences if you're one of the not smart people I made reference to.

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