Friday, June 11, 2010

Fiftee 4

As per request by the owner of this car, I took this picture referring to this old car with rust and a flat tire as ugly. My aunt Ruthamus had, what looked to be, a flat tire for a stomach and she got remarried to a guy that owned his own place up in the woods where there were no phones and people hardly ever went. We haven't seen her since they got married in one of those "chapels of love" that have the drive through window, but when we see her husband digging through the trash outside of the movie theater we ask how she is. He says she's fine and just busy doing stuff up at the house. He had her purse so I know he was telling the truth. The point is that even ugly people can get married. Oh, and yada yada yada there's always someone to think an ugly person, place or thing is beautiful.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I think this shirt is my favorite so far :)

This story gives me hope.. lol