Friday, June 18, 2010

Sixtyee One

This is what happens when I tried to start a fire with just two ice cubes like good old Chuck. If you notice, it didn't exactly work for me but with him he could do anything. That reminds me of the that summer I spent with my aunt and uncle. I may have mentioned it before but they may or may not have spent the majority of the time thinking that corn  on the cob was some form of transistor radio. When we found out that wasn't right we were all really disappointed. Thank goodness that disappointment didn't last to long because we found a squirrel that looked just like Dennis Rodman without the multy colored hair and tatoos but it was totally him. My uncle was even trying to take basketball lessons from him for a few days. His lessons stopped when my aunt accidentally caught and cooked it, but it wasn't as bad as you think. She put a nice glaze on it.

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