Tuesday, May 4, 2010


There comes a point in every band's career when they come out with the CD meant to accent their softer and more artistic side. The majority of the time those CDs are not good and are not purchased by me. However, a CD with this cover would change it all! Instead of saying "I'm artistic and soft" it says, "I'm super amazing. I'm cuddly. I'm cooler than a Popsicle in the Arctic and you know it. I'm the dominant flipper on a penguin. I'm rather hungry so bring me some snow colored apples yo!" Can you see the difference? Of course all of you smart people can. All those that can't are obviously not part of the smart people group. This would be my bands CD cover though. Perhaps you've heard of my band, The Double Wide Parking Spots. Our mascot is an elephant with a little umbrella in a compact car. One of our band members, the tamborine player, went solo for a while and called himself The Squatting Fly. So for all you hard core fans, that's why we didn't have a single come out in the month of Flember. Don't worry, we are back now and our new song, 'I Licked A Light Bulb' is coming out soon. We just have to scare the water buffalo out of our non-existent recording studio first and how hard could that be? We tried throwing wet dogs at it but it won't leave. Maybe we'll throw something a little more scary like my aunt Katinga when she barely wakes up. Seriously, that women is crazy scary. Most of the characters like Frankenstein and Dracula were actually based off of her. Yes she's that scary and that old. What would you do for a CD's cover?

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