Song time: Hush little baby sleeping in the night. Close your ugly eyes so ugly monkey tight. Don't be afraid of the monster under your bed. It'll only eat you if you aren't named Fred. Forget about yesterday and how I left you at the store, cuz if you tell your mom then the monster will eat you for sure. And if that monster don't after your tattling come, daddy's going have an accident with his gun. That means I'm coming after you if you tell your mom you little fart nugget and then I'll...
Maybe I'll finish that lullaby some other time. My invisible dad used to sing that too me as I fell asleep sometimes. But enough with the warm and fuzzy trip down to memory lane followed by the alley way of scarring situations. In this picture you can tell that I'm sleeping on the couch. I would have taken the picture on my bed but my teddy bear was in the middle of a nap and I didn't want to disturb him. If you wake a sleeping bear I heard that they'll pull a Mike Tyson and eat your ears. Sometimes I can't tell if my bear's sleeping or just laying there so nine times out of thirteen I end up sleeping on the floor. Teddy did promise me that if I'm good that one day I'll be able to have a pillow and/or a blanket. I guess I showed him!
This shirt is from Jake and Amir. It's a podcast that I find funny. The newer ones aren't funny and get uncool sometimes so if you're goin to watch it, watch the older ones. I would explain more but my aunt Lacey just called and she needs me to hold up her back fat while my cousin uses a fan to dry it out. See you all in the morrow of the to.
Here's a Jake and Amir episode if you wanna watch it by yourself or with your favorite stuffed vegetable:
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