Saturday, May 8, 2010


1990 nintendo world champ yall! The shirt is not stating what was but what could be. In that sense, It's as real as my aunt Grimel's beard. seriously its disgusting. there was one time she used only her beard and a block of wood to start a fire to save imaginary orphans from being frozen to death. twas very heroic in a way... too bad it was at a gas station down the street that she started the fire. her funeral was the largest collection of bearded women the world has ever seen. those ladies have large appetites and desires for steroids... go figure.


Aaron said...

Awesome! NES is the greatest.

NOYwall said...

You know it! I still have a working one yo! That's how hard core I am.

Aaron said...

Me too. With a copy of original tetris to go in it!